Moving, Healing, and Times of Transition

We have a spreadsheet for this season. The final column is for the dog. When I first made the spreadsheet, she wasn’t included. Then the plans were made to pack, travel, and move. Everything made sense until we asked about the dog’s whereabouts.

I admit it is nice for the confusion to be about a dog. It’s been a dogged two years, yet our family is intact; our home is selling; the children are registered for schools; I get to keep my job; and Lindsay has an incredible opportunity on the horizon. But the real news is some we have been waiting for since February.

Madeline had her MRI and CAT scan early in the morning last Thursday. A few hours later the results were available in MyChart. Lindsay called to read it to me. She hadn’t yet read it herself, so we were bracing to hear the words for the first time together. I was so anxious and even as positive words laced the opening lines, I was waiting for the “but.”

The report communicated several things:

1. Decreased cervical syrinx

2. Decreased kinking of the anterior medulla

3. Degree of platybasia and basillar invagination improved.

We know just enough neuro-speak to be dangerous; however, we read these three notes as good news. Even so, we were worried something might be noted that was beyond our comprehension. 

We do not meet with Dr. Brockmeyer for a few weeks, and we needed understanding now, so Lindsay called Madeline’s Gville neurosurgeon for a measure of clarity. He called us back on the way to family dinner. Madeline answered the call on the car speaker system, and it was pure joy to hear Dr. Troupe and Madeline reconnect. He was impressed by the images, but more impressed by her attitude and sense of health. 

So we leave this two year journey in SC and return to Michigan with a measure of health and hope. This will forever be an important chapter in our lives, and we are so grateful for the Gville medical community and our friends. We are so grateful to God in this season. We have learned so much, and there remains much to integrate into our future learning. To quote Lindsay, “no attitude, just gratitude.”

The transition begins (to be honest, it seems like we have been in transition since June 2021, so it is more apt to say the transition continues). The spreadsheet tells each of us where to be over the next 30 days, but the inner energy will be beyond the spreadsheet. We will have work to do come the fall to remain connected. The sense of certainty in the spreadsheet gives us permission to live in the uncertainty and to ride the roller coaster of the transition. 

Thank you to the many readers of the blog - your prayers and friendship have buoyed our spirits over the past two years.


  1. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Praising God…..

  2. Mark Johnson1:55 PM

    Praising God….

  3. Anonymous1:59 PM


  4. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Prayers continue as you travel thru more uncharted waters, and move again. Continued prayers for Madeline as her healing progresses, and for total healing. Can’t wait to see you guys again and give you hugs!!

  5. Anonymous2:13 PM

    God holds your family in his hands. God speed

  6. Anonymous2:28 PM

    This incredibly good news. God has certainly carried you All during these past few years and will continue to do so.

  7. Carrie Drews2:59 PM

    Wonderful news! Thank you for the update.

  8. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Praising God!!

  9. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Praising God for the great medical news and that you're moving back to Mi!!

  10. Anonymous4:26 PM

    So new adventures are ahead and you give God the glory for each step you make and I’m so proud for all of you! Love and hugs, Aunt Roxie ♥️♥️♥️

  11. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Praise and thanks to God - May God be with you in great abundance!

  12. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Praise the lord for healing💛

  13. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Anonymous I have been praying for Madeline I have been praying for Madeline all through this time my thoughts go back to when I babysit for her and the amazing gift of God that she had for me. I have so many memories of our times together and for Kyle and Lindsey and the whole family thank you for being a part of my life. 2 years ago is when can passed away and went to be with the Lord and I am still hurting from this but all through this I think of Maddie. Thank you for being a part of our lives. And did you move forward no that I am thinking and praying for you

  14. Karen Tamte7:23 AM

    Joy and relief! Thanks for the update. Prayers for blessing and times of rest (is there a rest column on the spreadsheet?!) amidst the summer logistics.

  15. Anonymous9:56 AM

    ❤️ such great news. Looking forward to having you back in West Michigan!

  16. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Thank you for sharing your family news and especially Madeline’s news! May you all be blessed as you make another transition! ❤️

  17. Brandon Smith9:47 PM

    Thankful with you. Can’t believe the kiddos you trusted Steph and I to watch for a night are so grown up. Continued prayers for Madeline and the rest of the family during the upcoming year. We learned from the folks at the tree farm about the year of transplant shock. Praying you give yourselves and each other a lot of grace.


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