
Showing posts from June, 2010
Dear Church, I am looking forward to coming back into your presence this week. It has been a long one. The first day brought the passing of Adrian V.G., and I was sick to be away from you. The next days brought questions regarding our distance away, but these worries were resolved by the grace of Christ present in you. In presence and absence, life and death, God is beside us to walk with us in peace. It has been an enjoyable time here, and we have labored here in the classroom and in meetings, but we have also enjoyed connecting with old friends here in the Twin Cities. We have been confirmed in our ministry with you at HCC, and it is clear to us as we give testimony that God is at work in SW Michigan through each of us, together. This week has not offered much time for reflection, but amidst the chaos insights have arisen to invite a return home. I would like to offer one of them here: Trusting one another: When we came one year ago, Lindsay and I knew that we were coming t