Calm Before the Storm - The upcoming surgery plan

I answered the phone this morning, and a student promptly asked, "How is Madeline? We have been praying for her." This is a standing call with the student. The call is to support the student, but today the student was supporting me. This is what I love about education; we have an academic goal but we encounter our humanity along the way. 

I could feel the weight of the week come over my shoulders and trickle through my arms with her question. I had side-stepped thinking about Madeline's surgery for the first hours of the day, but my student helpfully reminded me of what is ahead. She was curious and concerned. I was grateful and a touch afraid.

We leave this Friday (January 10). My dad (Jim) will travel from Omaha to Greenville to be with Micah and Maggie. He is a renaissance man - able to cook, clean, and drive. I told him that parenting teenagers is largely reduced to those skills. I did mention, however, that just about the point he might feel like a laborer or Uber-driver, Micah or Maggie will decide to share some intimate and important story from school. Then the ante goes up, and listening becomes the key skill. My mom, who recently had knee surgery, will join him after the weekend. Halfway through the trip, Lindsay's parents will come to Greenville and swap roles. They should still be at our home when we return.

Madeline will meet with the physician on Friday morning (2/10) upon our arrival to Salt Lake City. She will see the hospital and meet her medical team. She has plans to visit Dutch Bros. and a few other Salt Lake City attractions before heading to a friends' home in Park City. We will stay with our friends on the mountainside for two nights before heading back to Salt Lake City for the week. This is a wonderful gift, and we are hopeful to play and rest before surgery.

Madeline will enter surgery on Monday morning (2/13) for a 5-6 hour procedure. The time feels like eternity, and Lindsay asked the other day, "What will we do while waiting?" I don't know, but guessing on our past experiences, we will stew, fret, feel sick, and tire ourselves out with our anxiety. That's the honest reality. We will try to distract ourselves with email, texting, Netflix, and books. I am prayerful that the strength of our marriage will keep us well connected throughout the day until we can see Madeline that afternoon. 

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are recovery days. Lindsay and I will take turns staying overnight and sitting with Madeline during the day. I am hopeful we can take wheelchair rides around the hospital. I am hopeful we will say silly things, and I will share dad jokes. But ultimately, I am hopeful Madeline can rest comfortably, recover well, and go home after the first surgery. This may or may not come to fruition, but nonetheless, we will hope.

If Madeline does not need a second surgery, we might be able to travel home as early as Saturday (2/18). If she needs the second surgery, which is quite likely, she will have surgery on Friday, February 17. This is done by the same doctor plus an ENT. She will recover throughout the weekend. If recovery goes well, we will fly home on February 21 (Tuesday). If we need a few extra days, one parent will stay behind, and the other will return home. 

Madeline will wear a neck brace/collar for several months. This is important for the fusion to hold and for her long term healing. We have decided that love in these next months is commitment to her wearing the collar. If she does this well, the doctor announced the possibility of a free and full summer, including boating in Michigan. We are committed to her long-term freedom and healing, so parenting might be more cumbersome than our current practice.

Lindsay asked for confirmation that a bright spot will come and that all will be well. That's the prayer we ask from all of you. Your love, encouragement, and generosity have been amazing. Thank you. Thank you. 

May our collective prayers continue to send God's healing energy into the hospital; into the doctors and nurses' hands; and into Madeline's body. May the prayers of Madeline's friends not simply fuel her for healing, but may it do so for each and every kid entering the University of Utah Children's hospital this week and next. 

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 


  1. Marco Helles2:50 PM

    We are praying for Madeline and you all, dear friends. Love.

  2. Karen Tamte5:02 PM

    Praying for God's Peace, strength and timely encouragement for all the Smalls & Armfields.

  3. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Praying for surprising bright spots that catch you unaware. Pax Christi!

  4. Lisa Foy5:24 PM

    Continuing to pray and sending so much love to Madeline and all of you!

  5. Anonymous6:18 PM

    If it helps, I can send Madeline a picture of the Milwaukee back brace I wore for 2 years at her age, as it may make her neck brace more appealing! My mother felt so horrible making me wear it through the night in those fist weeks, but I'm grateful they made the tough decisions that yielded the best results for me in the long run. Prayers lifted for you all! 🙏

  6. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Our God is an awesome God and allow His Peace to surround all of you🙏🏻😊🙏🏻

  7. Anonymous6:59 PM

    May you feel our strong presence of love and prayers uphold you, Madeline and all that love Madeline! I’m sure in the anxiety of waiting and longing for this to be over, be in the moment and receive the friendship and rare opportunity for others to return the love you have blest them with! Praying for the surgeons and all of the health care workers using their gifts and knowledge God has blessed them with! Praying also for strength for both you and Lindsay and bless your Mom and Dad hearts!❤️❤️

  8. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Kyle and Lindsey, my wife Kyle just clued me into Madeline's situation. I am so sorry to hear of her affliction and all of the accompanying suffering and stress for her and for you all. I am praying for God's healing touch to come upon Madeline right now. I'm praying for her surgery, her recovery, and for you guys as you walk through this with her. Love, Noel

  9. Anonymous1:17 PM

    You all have been on my prayer list for weeks…now I pray for safe travels, a bit of calm before the surgery, and God’s constant and amazing peace during the hours of waiting and healing. Thank you for the privilege of praying for Madeline and all of you!

  10. Anonymous1:18 PM

    My prayers go out to all of you. I treasure our time together when you were with us. bless all of you and may God's healing touch be upon Madeline and the whole family. With love, Loretta

  11. Katie A.8:23 PM

    Prayers for Madeline, successful surgery(s) and ultimate long term healing ❤️‍🩹

  12. Tracy Hrdlicka4:37 PM

    Safe trip to you all in the morning! I’ll be anxious for updates. My days won’t be the same without Madeline. ❤️ Hugs!

  13. Karen Manlove6:58 AM

    Sending prayers from NH for wisdom, strength, and peace.


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