Drink Water! Day 5 of Recovery

"He went and proclaimed God’s salvation to earlier generations who ended up in the prison of judgment because they wouldn’t listen. You know, even though God waited patiently all the days that Noah built his ship, only a few were saved then, eight to be exact—saved from the water by the water. The waters of baptism do that for you, not by washing away dirt from your skin but by presenting you through Jesus’ resurrection before God with a clear conscience." 1 Peter 3

When I would teach or lead conversations on hard questions like abuse, racism, or addiction, I almost always ended class with a prayer and the closing line, "Drink water." To be honest, I am terrible at following my own advice. But when the brain is learning new things and the body experiencing stories and revisiting past/current trauma, we need nutrients, especially water. Madeline needs nutrients, especially water.

Announcing to one another to "drink water" is similar to Martin Luther's sentiments on "Remember your baptism." I wish he would have actually said, "Remember your baptism as you wash your face or take a shower" but this is a false attribution. Drinking water and feeling the elements flowing into your stomach and through your veins is a reminder of the One who created it and the One who has sealed our lives through it. Drinking water is a way to remember baptism and to remember the One to whom we belong.

But if you have been following along this blog, you know that drinking natural water is prohibited for Madeline, and she is relegated to drinking thickened liquids. It is not fun. She is now also scheduled for a minced diet as she regains muscle control of her throat. [Insert expletive here] - She deserves a break.

But now nutrition and fluids are essential to her recovery. The brain needs liquids and carbs for recovery, but she remains nauseous and unwilling to eat. This means she is in the hospital for one more day, or in the words of Les Miserables:

One day more
One day more to revolution
We will nip it in the bud
We'll be ready for these schoolboys
They will wet themselves with blood
One day more....
We'll be ready for the schoolboys
Tomorrow we'll be far away
Tomorrow is the judgement day
Tomorrow we'll discover
What our God in Heaven has in store
One more dawn
One more day
One day more

We were sad to see the PT/OT and speech pathologist this morning. Don't get us wrong, they are trinity of health and healing, and we enjoy Laurie, Becky, and Emily. They do an incredible job at coaching Madeline to do hard things and advocate for her well-being. But when they went home for the weekend, we said the Children's Hospital refrain, "See you next time at Target." 

The healing trinity entered Madeline's room this morning hoping to get her dressed and prepared to go home. But as Madeline went for a morning walk with PT and OT, she lacked stability while walking. She is so weak because her little body lacks nutrition and electrolytes. This hampers the healing process. She needs to get stronger, but eating is such discomfort, and drinking is a texture-nightmare. Laurie, the speech pathologist, gave her some Boost, which ought to be called Blech! But the reality is that going home requires strength, which requires nutrition, which requires eating. And most of the food set before her belongs to Oscar the Grouch and not to Babette's Feast. Even I think Luke 10 has limits today, (referring to "Eat what is set before you"; It is a title of a great book written by a friend).

The doctors and medical team are now recommending a NG tube for nutrition. Madeline is adamant to overcome this recommendation by eating the boost and consuming a Chick-Fil-A frozen lemonade. But it is difficult since her stomach has normalized being empty. She really hasn't eaten since Tuesday. Covet your prayers that she can take in some nutrition. They did give her a feeding tube tonight, and we have one or two more days in the hospital. Madeline has some strong feelings as we recalibrate our timeline and expectations.

*The artwork is from friend and fellow pilgrim, Joel Schoon Tanis (used with permission). Joel lives in Holland, Michigan, and is also known for his talents in the band, The Voice. In all seriousness, his artwork is brilliant and rehearses the stories that shape our lives. visit him at https://joelschoontanisgallery.com


  1. Prayers that she will be able to eat and keep it in. Asking God to work his blessings on Madeline.
    Love and prayers for you and the family

  2. I may have sent this verse to you all previously, and if I did, God feels it’s worth repeating because he put it on my heart again.
    And, in ALL THINGS God works for the good of those who love ❤️ him; those who have been called according to his purposes. Romans 8:28
    Still being in the hospital is for her GOOD.
    What does Madeline think of smoothies?
    I just made one with banana, blueberries, almond milk, vanilla yogurt, chia, flax, hemp seeds, baby spinach, arugula and raw honey (yes I know I didn’t need additional sugar).
    Lots of nutrients and so yummy. Maybe she’d be interested???
    Dear Lord
    Please give Madeline the desire and determination to eat and drink so she can regain her strength and go home. Until Your timing Lord, we know she is in the right place to receive the treatment and care she needs until she is able to go home. We give you thanks, honor and glory for the progress she has made and the medical team that is assisting her in her recovery.
    Please continue to renew Kyle and Lindsay’s strength and patience daily and give them your Peace. In Jesus name, Amen

  3. Continuing our prayers for all of you, grace and peace


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