Day 2: House of the Open Door

I celebrate that I was able to sleep the whole night despite the time zone change. I awoke at 6am eager to begin my plan of 100 miles in 10 cities throughout June and July. I laced my shoes and ran the only path I knew (namely the path we walked last night to and from The Pavillion). The morning was beautiful and I enjoyed the exercise after two full days of traveling.

Today we travel briefly from Birmingham to Evensham on the northside of the Cotswolds. I love this part of England and continually reminisce about my trip here with Lindsay and her parents several years ago. We made a brief stop in Broadway and walked through Lygnon Arms, a famous hotel and pub. In the center of town was a memorial from WWI that listed the names of many men. Supposedly, 1/3 of the young male generation was eliminated from this town during the First WW. 

We left Broadway and travelled to our meeting destination, The House of the Open Door. This is a Charismatic Catholic Community's retreat house, and the peacefulness of the Spirit is upon us. I am grateful for this space. We begin our planned conversation around 1pm, when the remainder of the guests/participants arrive.

I have internet access, and I am eagerly awaiting 7:30am Eastern time to speak with Lindsay (in Ada, Michigan) and then 7:30am Central time to speak with Micah and Madeline (in Omaha).


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