Day 1: Missiological Ecclesiology in Birmingham

I arrived to Birmingham last night unsure of what to expect. Mary Publicover from Springdale College greeted me at the small airport and drove me just outside Birmingham near Selly Oak College (where Lesslie Newbigin taught following his retirement). I was received by Martin and Linda Robinson for the evening, and from the moment I entered their home I felt a new and much needed peace. Martin was once a pastor at the local church (The Pavillion) and is now the principal at Springdale College. He is no longer a pastor, but a wise disciple, who teaches and inquires, while also serving as an elder in his beloved chuch community. We spent the evening discussing not church, but gospel and culture. Oddly, during our conversation, we went for a walk around the town with a stop into the church and college building, where he was once pastor. We did not discuss programs or facilities of the church, but continued our discussion on gospel and culture, especially as it pertained to The Pavillion's engagement/intersection.

I was reminded as to why I invested myself in the pastorate during our conversation. I did not become a pastor to BUILD a church but to invite people who know and who are seeking Christ to understand how to live as the church between/with/for the gospel and culture. Yet, I found myself reflecting on how I stewarded the initial investment as I was charged to lead (and build) the churches I served as pastor.

In the end, I am here in the UK to participate in a conversation on missional theology and its practical implications with two missional partners, Together in Mission and The Missional Network. Yet, I am blessed to have the space amidst this conversation to reflect on my now completed pastorate at HCC. This is both a falling down conversation but also falling upward (to borrow from my current reading).

The Journal of Missional Practice


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