Thailand - Thoughts on our Minds

In the midst of preparing to leave for Thailand several things are on our minds:

1. Our children - enough said.

2. Our loving, caring, and generous Church - Harbert Community Church has kept up with our fast-aced living since we arrived, and our trip to tHailand is no exception. The freedom they grant us to live into discipleship is wonderful, and we hope that our many adventures return the blessing that they grant to us. Pray for Kelly Boersma - who started full time at HCC this week! and also for Erin McDermott, our pastoral resident, who, together, will do an incredible job at leading the church in our absence. Also pray for Knute Larson who is preaching on Sunday, January 9.

3. The Andersons, Nortons, and Armfields - The three angels who will be caring for our children. This is a big endeavor for them, and as Jim Hannenberg said at worship yesterday - "though many are praying for you, I am praying for the people taking care of your children." Well said, Jim.

4. Daeng and Tipwan - These are the leaders of the Covenant Church in Thailand - they are a co-pastor couple, also. They came to Harbert in June (long before we ever considered traveling to Thailand), and we were amazed as they traveled to the US for four weeks leaving their children in Thailand - now they will be able to calm our fears as we go to them in a similar fashion. Their ministry will be a great encouragement to us!

5. Our Group - The North Park Seminary students traveling with us, most of whom we have not yet met. Pray for health, safety, and joy as we engage one another on the flight over, during our travels, and on the way home. Traveling in groups forms great bonds, and we look forward to making new friends.

6. Thailand Christians - We are always blessed and amazed at the mutual learning from Christians around the world. We look forward to learning from one another about live-in-Christ through our different locations, cultures, and understandings.

7. Our children.

We covet your prayers for safety, health, and presence as we leave tomorrow morning for Chicago.


  1. Anonymous5:51 PM


    Who do we call for a playdate with Micah and Madeline?

    The VPCs


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