Day 8 - Traveling with Jim and Curt

We woke up early to meet Jim and Curt for breakfast. We quickly loaded up the car (once we remembered to get our passports from one of the group members – that was a close one). We departed for Nan and then northward from there to the SDRF – The Sustainable Development and Research Foundation. It was a 4-8 hour drive, and we made in around 7…..

We arrived to the SDRF at 4:00 to meet with SDRF staff and area church leaders. When I say “church leader” do not think elected council members. Instead think people who have come to Christ and desire to share this new life with others. These people are full of diligence in study and evangelism.

When we sat down with the church leaders, Jim said “What is different now that you believe in Jesus Christ?” The stories that unfolded were dynamic testimonies of a God who heals, blesses, and changes families. There was no division in the gospel – it was not merely spiritual or physical or financial, but a holistic sense of the gospel that changes lives… One testimony was from a former witch doctor, who was responsible for the health and prosperity of the community – people would come to him expecting healing ro release from the spirits, but when this did not happen, the village would blame the doctor. HE was even shot with a gun, but never died. Now he believes in Jesus, and the village has stopped blaming him (scapegoat), and instead sends sick and hurting people to him for God’s blessings and prayers. Amen.

The SDRF is a business for the community committed to raising animals (pigs and chickens) for the sake of building relationships and more healthy communities. They are also committed to health standards so that children are able to attend school (education is crucial for the development of future generations – this includes education for a vision beyond the sex industry and sweat shop labor). SDRF is a phenomenal ministry. One of their next steps is to insert iodine in their water supply. Iodine is necessary for brain development in children. We will say more when we return home.

There is so much more I would like to tell you, and will at a later time….


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