Day 2 – Thursday (We missed Wednesday due to the International Date Line)

The focus of the trip in Thailand is Money and Mission – also called “Business as Mission.” We spend a portion of each day meeting Christian business leaders (Thai business leaders and foreign business leaders).

The first meeting was with a man named Chat. He operates a Christian bookstore that includes Bible Study books, encouraging films, and other media.

Chat is innovative. There are Christian bookstores all over the country, namely in larger cities. These bookstores hope that passers-by will enter their stores and purchase their Christian books. The storefront operations believe that simply by store “presence” Buddhist Thai and others will enter the storefronts allowing the store-owners to witness to the gospel.

Chat believes otherwise. Chat thinks that most of the Christian books and media are for the encouragement of Thai Christians and church leaders. He wants to encourage and equip churches with exceptional Christian books and media (published in the Thai language) for the purposes of being a Christian presence in their own towns and villages. In this regard, Chat spends more time traveling around Thailand visiting Christians and house churches. He sells Thai Christian music and devotional guides to those looking to grow in Christ. His traveling bookstore is very effective, and he is able to provide materials in villages and towns that have never before had access to publications – yet these villages have been Christian villages for some time.


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