H.i.H.O.P. Begins at HCC.

May 23 is Pentecost, and here in SW Michigan several churches are joining together for the Global Day of Prayer (globaldayofprayer.com). We are anticipating this day very much. Mike Cluster, a police officer in New Buffalo, is the organizer for our area. Our prayer team was blessed by Mike's desire to see this happen, especially being a police officer who witnesses crime, injustice, and community need everyday. Mike's desire to see revival in SW Michigan is impressive and God-appointed in our estimation.

In preparation for this day, Mike asked local churches to begin praying for the Global Day of Prayer ten days prior. A prayer minister in our congregation offered the brilliant idea to make Harbert a local IHOP Prayer space (International House of Prayer) for the 10 days and utilize IHOP - Kansas City's streaming prayer room as our guide.

This morning we did this. We began at 7 am praying for our city, our churches, and our children. We seek the Lord's face in praise and worship and word each day from 7-10am and from 4-7pm. The atmosphere of the room is relaxed with standing or sitting; reading or praying; singing or speaking. It is a vision of Revelation, whereby God's people are gathered in many languages but one voice.

I arrived to church at 6:30 this morning to open the church and connect to IHOP. It is a wonderful ministry of prayer for the world. I encourage you to check it out. Release judgments and enter into the space seeking mercy - for you, your community, and the world.


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