My Son - Micah the Friend Maker

Last week, Lindsay was away teaching Bible Study, and  since I was at home with the sun shining at 64 degrees, Micah, Maddie and I went to the beach for an evening stroll. It was truly a wonderful time.

Once we finally wrestled down the beach stairs, removed our shoes (and Micah removed his pants), we began our leisurely stroll. It was more leisurely for some than others. Micah was not much for walking in a straight line. He would tack across the beach finding the largest rocks to throw in the water. Maddie had to ride on my shoulders in order to stay out of the water. We walked along the shore for a good hour, which only equaled the length of a football field or so (sailing was never an efficient travel method).

On the way back to the beach entrance we saw two people (quite a distance ahead), playing on the beach. I asked Micah, "who are they?", and his quick response was simply, "are those our friends? Our new Friends?" I wasn't sure, but he was. So the sailing ship turned into a sub-vessel as he made a bee-line for his new friends. As we approached, it was clear to me that we did not know them - they were strangers. But to Micah, he was convinced. He immediately went to them and stated, "Friends, How are you?" He proceeded to talk with them; ask their names; and even invite them for a walk.

I could not help but identify Micah with Peter in John 21, the story of Jesus and breakfast on the Beach. When John, the beloved one, tells Peter, "it's the Lord", Peter dresses himself and jumps into the lake to bee-line to Jesus, who calls us friends. I do love watching Micah unfold the mysteries of God for me. I can only hope my own practice will witness to the Resurrection as much as he does for me.....

By the way, Micah pooped on the potty today! Hooray!


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