Baby Madeline...Not Early, Just in Time

Madeline Ada Small was born Wednesday morning, November 26, 2008 at 2:02 pm. She was 6lbs 15 oz, and 18 inches long. This is a significant difference from her monster truc brother, who weighed in at 9lbs with 3 lbs of hair. Lindsay began having contractions around 6am, but thought this was false labor and would require the "Walk of shame" at the hospital when she would be sent home. However, her fears were dashed when the doctor and nurses concurred that this day was indeed labor day....

We took Micah to the Mrosko's house, which was perfect because Rachel and Jacob were home for the holidays from school, so Jaci had some much excited help! Thank you to the Mrosko's for watching Micah (and for letting out the dog, Grover). We arrived at the hospital around 9am. The contractions hastened, and by 11:30, we were preparing for labor (which was projected to occur around 4 or 5pm). At 1:30, Lindsay experienced significant pain, she pushed for the first time at 1:5 and Baby Maddie was born seven minutes later at 2:02. What a rush. Lindsay was tired, but the onlookers were simply impressed by the pace at which Lindsay finished the job.

The birth of Baby Madeline was not the only event for our family. During the birth of Madeline Ada Small another event was occuring in Michigan. Lindsay's grandma, Eunice Ada Lindblom was preparing for eternal rest. Nunie, as Lindsay calls her, had experienced a fall some weeks ago, and she had been suffering since. at 6:30 on Wednesday, Nunie departed this earth for resurrection rest. This day is filled with the wonders of life - the journey of birth and death. The wonder of both events is found in our Creator, the Triune God.

Nunie's funeral was on Saturday morning, and though we could not be there, we remember Nunie as the gracious, hospitable, and generous grandmother. Peace to her.

Here are the pictures of Maddie's first hours.


  1. Starbuck's? Check. Iphone? check. Turtleneck? Check.


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