ROAD TRIP with dad
I love road trips. Movies play, naps are to be had, and Burger King is for lunch. I love the endless supply of ketchup and fries (they come in a box called a frypod - can you believe my dad let me eat this stuff?) We arrived in Sioux Falls at 3pm and went to see Althea's parents, Dawn and Andrew Burnett at the church. I played in the nursery for two hours, and Dawn, Andrew, and daddy would pick up after my mess! This is the life! Finally, we ended up at Great grandma and papa's house for sloppy joes and apples.
I love the road trip. I was so excited about the day that I refused to go to bed. I stayed up until 10pm while grandma Terri and daddy tried to get me to sleep. Papa small disappeared to read a book. He returned in the morning.
On Saturday morning, dad was craving coffee (no big surprise) so we went to Hy-Vee for breakfast and a starbucks (sometimes dad is a yuppie). We also found a firetruck and the firemen were busy eating, so my cousin, Carter, and I played on it. After that we went for a walk at Augustana College - "a premier school in a premier city"...or so they say
The hotel we stayed at had a pool with a slide, a pirate ship, and a basketball hoop. I swam until my feet pruned. I had so much fun, I would only sleep in the car between exciting events. Saturday night included pizza, a Husker's loss and more swimming - oh, did I mention the pre-bedtime cake? Road Trips rule!
On Sunday I went to daddy's old church, Prairie Hills Covenant. What a great place. It was like everyone knew me. I went to the nursery again, and Anna (my new girlfriend) held me for one whole hour, and she fed me animal crackers. Woo-Hoo. I was living high-on-the-hog (Anna's dad is a farmer, he knows what I mean). It was fun to be at Prairie Hills - everyone is very kind. Also, I got to meet Dawn and Andrew's child, Althea - she is awesome. She is more intense than me....I think dad was trying to set us up - he always says, "kids will appreciate arranged marriages in the long run - freedom of choice is always a myth..." When he talks like this, I rarely know what he means.
We ended with a family lunch and then returned home. I love seeing my mommy. She loves me and holds me, and says the right things. I had a great road trip, but I am glad to be back!
Have a great week. ~Micah
The photo of Burger King...