My first year - a few of my favorite things (and a surprise)

Well on Saturday I will officially turn one-year old. That's the thing about zeros - our age is based on accomplishment. When I turn one, I celebrate one completed year of life. If I was born one, then a birthday would look to unfinished work; instead I celebrate one year of accomplishments.

My birthday is on flag day - Tom Weiland's favorite day. Not only is it Flag Day, but more importantly, it is the Feast Day of the Cappadocian Fathers, who are responsible for upholding the doctrine of the Trinity amidst heresies and conflicts. They did other stuff to, but all my dad talks about is the Trinity, so I will probably do the same.

Here are a few of the highlights of my first year of life:

I had six colds
i slept in until 6:55am one day
I learned to crawl
I have the world's best babysitters (thanks Jan, Dee, Anna and the many others who care for me)
In one day I change my clothes as many times as Sara Jessica Parker in her new movie (I'm not allowed to say the title)
My thighs are 10x the normal size of other 1 year olds
I grew out of my car seat at six months
I interrupted the pastor during worship at church
I traveled on 15 airplanes (Nebraska, Michigan, Florida), and drove to Omaha and Northern Minnesota several times
I stood behind the pulpit at church
I had a bite of a chocolate donut (thanks dad)
I ate orange, green, and purple food out of plastic tubs
I upgraded from tub-food to blueberries, chicken strips, and chopped carrots
I can drink from several types of vessels - bottle, sippy cups, straw-laden cups, and I am starting to drink from a glass
8 children were born in our church this year and six of them are girls

I learned to walk this week

and finally.... the best highlight of my first year of life.... MOMMY IS PREGNANT WITH MY YOUNGER SIBLING! The baby is due December 8, 2008. Cha-ching - a full year of tax deduction (I only contributed six months).

So seriously, congrats to mom - she still looks a little confused on how we are going to manage a little sibling, but I tell mom not to worry, dad will take care of it. She always laughs (and cries) when I say that.

Happy Birthday to everyone (whenever it is - you completed another 365 days of joyous living!



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