Where is all began.

I just have to include this picture. I forgot that I had it on my computer.

This is a picture of the day after we realized that Lindsay was pregnant. It is us being silly at the Arboretum in Chanhassen. My parents (very willing to humor us) took the picture, and we have it hanging in Micah's room.

Here's the story: In early October 2006, on a Thursday evening, Lindsay decided to take apregnancy test, which made me a but nervous. See, my parents were coming, and if we weren't pregnant I didn't want to be bumbed out for the weekend. I was downstairs watching "My Name is Earl" a classic American televsiion show committed to raising the average IQ of the 30-something American male (that's me). Anyway, I heard this roaring cry from upstairs, and in my mind, I was conivnced that this was going to be one tough weekend....

But I was wrong. Lindsay, screaming with tears, told me to come upstairs to see the stick, and sure enough - pregnant we were...I was so shocked that after I said "wonderful," i asked if I could go downstairs and finish watching "Earl." OOPS! Anyway, we called Lindsay's parents to tell them the good news, and we impatiently waited for my parents to arrive....That was ten months ago, when we could sleep until 8 am, without interruption.

What a change and what a gift!

A few weeks after we found out that we were pregnant, my good buddy from church, Jeff Williamson (and his wife Darci) informed us that they were pregnant and due two days before us. They gave birth to Chase Porter Williamson on June 1, 2007. We ask people all over the world to pray for Chase and Micah so that they are more like their dads than their moms (who are knwon to have caused immense amount of trouble during the junior high years).

Life is good.

Whether we are hunting dreams (Chase means hunter) or celebrating gifts from God or wondering about the Image of God in ourselves and others (Micah means "Who is like God?) - when children enter the world, life is good.


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