More photos...why not?

Okay, so we (Kyle) know its a little ridiculous, but some great company created toys called, Holy Folks, so I bought all that the store had (they were missing Noah). So here is Micah on Day 5, surrounded by Moses, Jesus and Mother Mary. If I may be so silly, we have History and Torah in Moses, the Savior in Jesus, and God's servant in Mary - with Micah, we might even say that we have the prophets. And his middle name, James, can include the epistles (All we need to do is include mom and we have Wisdom). It's all there??? Why not?

It is a real joy being a dad. Originally, I was dreading the nightly interuptions, the dirty diapers, and the exhaustion. But it is really wonderful. Who knew being tired and clueless could be so fun?

Here are a few more pictures...because, why not?


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