Micah James Small - Thursday, June 14, 2004

Well, we left for the hospital at 8:45 Thursday morning, and on our way we stopped to buy socks at Target. Thankfully they were on sale! On our way through Victoria we stopped at the Victoria Fire Station to have our infant safety seat certified for installation. Unfortunately, they don’t certify infant seats, so we will trust that Jeff Causton and I installed it correctly.

We arrived at the hospital around 10:15, and Kim, our incredible nurse, welcomed us into a labor/delivery room. It was unclear if we would stay for the day or if our doctor, Dr. Matt Weinrich, would send us home. Early on Lindsay’s contractions were sporadic and quiet, but everything changed. And by-golly, we are here to stay. At 11:15 Dr. Weinrich moved the process along by breaking the water. Lindsay is naturally progressing along centimeter by centimeter.

We were quite fearful about the epidural, but at 12:30, Dr. Turner did an exceptional job calming anxiety and finishing the procedure. Kyle had to sit down after he watch the insertion of the catheter – the room got warm, his head became lighter, and he simply said, “I think that I should sit down now.” But even so, right now, Lindsay is so comfortable that she actually had to ask, “Am I having a contraction right now?” She was.

We started a pool this morning guessing the baby weight. Lindsay thinks 8lbs 8, Nurse Kim says 8lb2, Dr. Wenrich says 9lbs5 and Kyle believes 7lbs10. (The dad votes on the low side for the sake of the mother). So for now, we wait, and by 7:00 pm our names will change; no longer are we Kyle and Lindsay or Pastor, our identities are transformed, and we will forever be mom and dad. Praise be to God for life – we pray that the pushing goes well. (Other gueses: Grandpa 8lbs, Grandma 7lbs12, Janna 8lbs4, Papa 7lbs9, Nurse Tiffany 7lbs10, Great Gradma McCabe 7lbs2, Great Grandpa 4lbs, Great Aunt marge 6lbs9, Kris C. 8lbs12, and Rachel K. 8lbs5).

I left the room for a few minutes around 2:15 thinking that Lindsay would rest for about an hour. When I returned at 2:50, she had crossed over into the painful place. Lindsay transitioned from 6cm to 10cm in 35-45 minutes (later Dr Turner, or commonly known as Dr. Epidural, said, “the drugs don’t cover that spread”). Lindsay did very well despite the pain. By 4:00pm, she was beginning to push. (What an amazing thing that process is!) And at 5:22pm (sparing you significant details), Micah James Small was born into the world at 9lbs, 21 inches long.

Lindsay did exceptionally well, all things considered. She never really complained or made too much noise – she just did what she needed to do. I am really proud of her – when she was done, she seriously looked as good as when she woke up in the morning (and she looked great in the morning!)

The medical team was just as wonderful. Dr. Weinrich, Nurses Kim, Tiffany and Janelle were kind, generous and interested in our lives and lindsay's success. Ridgeview Med center is really the best place to have a baby! Thank you for taking such good care of us!

After a checkup, a few minutes of downtime, and a quick feeding, we invited her parents in from the hallway. Janna and Papa Armfield cuddled with their first grandchild, and it was truly a wonderful time. Last night Jill and Anna stopped by, as Jill had to drive back to Hawley, MN this morning. Jill and Anna, thanks for coming by. We look forward to Kyle’s parents come in Friday morning.

We’re not exactly sure who he looks like, but we think that he looks like us. He is quiet and not real fussy. He has had his fair share of mucus, and he’s gone through three or four diapers already – he is real gassy (no comments please).

Lindsay is taking some time to rest this morning, and I am happy that she can. We will Friday the day at the Hospital, and we look forward to going home on Saturday.

Lindsay has done a beautiful job on the nursery, and I am sure that Micah James will greatly appreciate every detail.


  1. Kyle and Lindsay- Congratulations on the birth of your little man. Linds, you look amazing. Have fun. We are so excited for you. Lots of love, Jim, erin, Kira and Jenna Condap

  2. Gorgeous! Glad the two large woman in the black unmarked car didn't scare you out of having this little chap.

    I'll definitely be passing the word along of this blessed child to the higher ups here...especially since it was "all Glenn's fault" in the first place!!

  3. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Hi Lindsay,

    Congratulations!! Shelly & Geoff sent this link to me. Little Micah is so precious! My sister Shara just moved to the Minneapolis area so hopefully I'll be able to visit you and your wonderful family when I'm there next. :)

    Your long lost pal,
    Kelly Lindman


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