23 inches long in 2 weeks

It has been 4 days since the last post, and I apologize to the grandmas out there, who would like hourly photo updates...

According to the dodctors, we have an abnormally long child. We went to the doctor for Micah's 2 week checkup (before you know it, he will be 18 years old). He was alert and content the whole appt., just like we talked about in the car. Our pediatrician was very pleased with Micah's health, especially the color of his poop, which he let her see several times...the kid can go! Also, the nurse said that she had worked in the office for 13 years, and this was the first 23 inch two-week old ever! I called Guiness (the Record book, not the beer company...hmm) but they were less than interested. Anyway, Phil Jackson did call inquiring about placing the youngster in his special infant/toddler basketball camps...and since we live in suburbia, you really can't start them too young.

Well Micah is changing. Like I said, he is more alert, and his multitude of faces keeps us laughing and wondering what is going on in his little brain...Also, Micah refuses to give us a schedule. He usually chooses to be alert two of three shifts during the day, and he chooses to make one of them hellish for us. Yesterday, Lindsay had planned the morning around his nap, and needless to say, he decided to plan his morning around screaming, crying, spitting up, and the obligratory daily "blow-outs."

Yesterday (Wednesday) was a big one.
To soothe our souls from the morning cry, we went for a walk in downtown Excelsior (we took Micah but left the Grover-dog at home - please don't tell him what we were doing). We enjoyed the sun and the lakeside. By the way, the best way for babies to receive Vitamin D is through a little daily sunshine...I',m guessing it's good for adults, also.

Last night, Jeff and Kris Causton invited us over for dinner at 6:00. At 5:00 we told them that it was too much, but after his feeding, Lindsay said "let's go," so we went over and ate with Jeff, Kris, Petra and Rachel Anderson - it was a splendid time and a much needed escape.

Finally, Lindsay and I are doing well. We said goodbye to Lindsay's parents on Tuesday, and we miss Janet's loving touch around the house. THough she would never boast about her work, I must fill you in on her work over the last two weeks:
Watered the garden
planted flowers
Washed the windows (inside and outside)
Cleaned the kitchen (daily)
Edged the driveway
Sewed basket covers (not too mention that before Micah was born, she sewed the curtain, bumper, and bed ruffle for the nursery)
Fixed the ripped comforter downstairs

And most wonderfully, Janet made the world's best coffee every morning...mmmmmmm.!!!

We will miss Janet and Steve (and Ben, who came to visit for a few short days), but we look forward to both of our families coming to be with us in the coming months and years!

Enjoy the pictures.


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