Ready to come home

I am ready. Two months was wonderful I have learned so much, but it is time to return. I missed the baptism service at church yesterday, and that was tough for me. As well, I simplly miss the normal things of my life. In honor of the Von Trapps, and the German speaking Vienna, here are a few of my favorite things:

Laughing and eating with Lindsay (in our kitchen)
Men's lunch
Coffee (although German coffee is pretty good)
My home office
Reading English
Mexican Food (not Taco Bell)
My bed
My church family
Going to Seminary (not to 3rd grade German grammar - though it might be more difficult than theology)
Lake Minnetonka

Stuff like, "when the dog barks and when the bee stings":
Driving (I like the train and bahn system here)
Cell phones
revising long papers
cleaning the house
paying for gas

then I simply remeber my favorite things and then I don't feel so bad....

I AM READY TO COME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Anonymous2:18 PM

    We are ready for you to come home. It was great to see Lindsay yesterday. See ya soon!

    Dave Soliday


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