In Amsterdam and the Jondelings (sp)

Well we returned to Bremen last night following a great weekend in Amsterdam. On Friday, Lindsay and I met one another in Amsterdam. She came via Paris, and I via Bremen. It was a wonderful meeting point. The best part of the weekend was the time spent with the Jondelings (I might be spelling the name incorrectly). The Jondelings are a family from the church in Stockholm. They now live in Amsterdam. We had a great time sitting around eating, drinking, and talking the nights (and mornings) away.

On Satruday we took the bus to the city of Amsterdam. Ironically, on the way there, I read one of our travel books, and it said, 'Amsterdam is a quiet city where bikes and walkers trump the noise of other city's autos.' Well, when we arrived, Amsterdam was anything but quiet! Crowded, noisy, and obnoxious. The weekend was filled with summer activities, a canal boat parade, and thousands of tourists shopping, watching, and not paying attention.

But fear not. We still had a great time. We enjoyed walking around the city, taking photos, and laughing with one another. Lindsay wnet to the Van Gogh museum (very crowded) and I toured the Heineken museum. Not just a brewery but an experience in intentional corporate culture (very sophisticated). Then we ate lunch at CAFE T' SMALLE, where we also took time to catch up on last week - Lindsay's trip to Taize and I started my second course. Lindsay is in the process of writing her blog entry for last week - stay tuned tomorrow (Tuesday).

On Sunday we slept in (church in Dutch ain't much for us). Then we ate breakfast (bread with my new favorite - Hazelnut chocolate spread- like peanut butter only better). Then after packing our bags, we left for the Netherlands Coast. We took a walk together around the beach; I was even fortunate enough to eat wild blueberries...mmm. Finally, we left the beautiful coast for a trip to Schipohl, where we boarded our train and returned safely to Amsterdam. Another week of class.

Today Lindsay and I will meet for lunch, and then tour the town of Bremen,


  1. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Mmmmmm - my favorite - the Heineken Brewery Tour and Museum.

    Are you sure we aren't related?

    We miss you guys - Petra doesn't even pray for you unless we remind her - you used to be the top of the prayer "hit" parade.

    Sorry - you've been gone too long.

  2. Jeffrey b -

    Better than the Heineken BRewery is the BEck's brewery. I think I have a gift for you.... We went there yesterday. Heineken was a tourist trap, Becks is an actual brewery. They send 7 million bottles of beer PER DAY!

    Looking forward to seeing you. Please tell PEtra hello, and not to forget about me. I need friends.


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