St. Peter Ording

Well, there is way too much to include in post. This past weekend, myself and two new friends (Felipe from Costa Rica and Ana from Colombia) traveled to St. Peter Ording. St Peter is a Nordsee city near nothing. It is beautiful. And never have I traveled so easily with new friends before. It feels like we have known each other forever. They leave next week, and I will be sad to see them go! I do think we will stay in touch!

The trip: On Friday we left class and picked up our rental car. To our surprise, the car was a mid-sized Mercedes! And diesel! Cheap gas, great efficiency, and luxury. It was a great ride for three good buddies.

We headed north through Hamburg and arrived in St. Peter late afternoon. Unsure of where to stay, we happened to borrow a tent from my Guest family, and immediately found a campsite less than 100 yards from the beach- BEAUTIFUL!

Also, within minutes of setting up our campsite, we met a man from Munich named Toni. We spent the night sitting on the beach, playing darts and being silly. It was a wonderful time! We played darts in a local pub, and despite the fact that there were no non-German tourists, the pub played American music all-night long! We finally went to bed around 3 am (I am getting a bit too old for this...)

On Saturday, we woke up to a cloudy, yet promising day. Instead of heading to the beach, we traveled to a light house - the most beautiful lighthouse in all of Deutschland. We had a long hike through the fields, but the ocnversation and views made it worthwhile. Lucky for us, the lighthouse was painted but three days ago! Schon!

Our time at the lighthouse included meeting HAns (see photo), who told us all about the lighthouse. (He enjoyed practicing his English). A wonderful, yet quirky man. He was very kind.

In the afternoon, we returned to the beach and the annual "St. Peter Beach party" including sand, volleybal, and fried food (and Beer - its Germany). We took afternoon naps, and following 9 hours on the beach, we headed for the tent and dinner. Also, despite the long hours on the beach, I still looked like a white whale (I will spare you the photos!!!!)

Saturday eveing following a horrible experience at the restaurant (3 hours of terrible service), we headed back to the beach to see the famouse German Beach party. Again, American music was abundant, but periodically German music would harken, and the German people would go nuts! Let me say that Beer trumps music for German expertise!

On Sunday it was quite cold, so we left for home aorund 2:00. A great weekend of friends, camping, and the beach.


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