Jumping off the Bridge...

This will be short because I have class in a few minutes.

Yesterday was a beautiful day - hot, sunny, and ultimately wet. The Weser River (Die Weser) runs through the middle of Bremen. Just below the Weser is a smaller river, the Weder See. Yesterday, we finally took a big break together and went swimming. It was marvelous.

Towards the end of our day, we found ourselves looking over the bridge on the Weder see. Having seen others jump a few days ago, we thought we would give it a try. In all humility, I let Felipe jump first. Following his plunge, he arose from the water unscathed, so I took the leap myself. Wonderful and warm. We did it several times, but mostly for photo opps.

The exciting thing was that after our last jump, the Polizei arrived, and ticketed the others for jumping. I think the Polizei looked at us, and figured - tourists. We left unscathed by both the Mighty WederSee and the Polizei. A wonderful day it was.


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