H.i.H.O.P. Begins at HCC.
May 23 is Pentecost, and here in SW Michigan several churches are joining together for the Global Day of Prayer ( globaldayofprayer.com ). We are anticipating this day very much. Mike Cluster, a police officer in New Buffalo, is the organizer for our area. Our prayer team was blessed by Mike's desire to see this happen, especially being a police officer who witnesses crime, injustice, and community need everyday. Mike's desire to see revival in SW Michigan is impressive and God-appointed in our estimation. In preparation for this day, Mike asked local churches to begin praying for the Global Day of Prayer ten days prior. A prayer minister in our congregation offered the brilliant idea to make Harbert a local IHOP Prayer space (International House of Prayer) for the 10 days and utilize IHOP - Kansas City's streaming prayer room as our guide. This morning we did this. We began at 7 am praying for our city, our churches, and our children. We seek the Lord's face in pra...